salah resources for kids

Teaching Salah resources

When teaching children about how to pray and the importance of prayer, it’s important to remember these tips from our previous blog post: ‘Salah for kids: Teaching kids how to pray.’

We also cover why children should pray, benefits of salah and general tips on how to teach kids salah. 

We are incredibly lucky to be living at a time when lots of authors, creatives and businesses have created tons of products like books, video clips, games and printable resources that focus on Salah. Teaching children to pray has never been easier Alhamdulillah. 

Also, if you don’t have the budget to make any purchases, remember that kids can be taught Salah without all of the extra stuff. These resources just make the teaching and learning experience slightly more engaging.

Teaching Salah- Books

Little Zaid’s journey to Salah by the sincere collection

Book about Salah

This lovely little book about Salah is a great introduction for little kids. The book explains why and how we pray, in addition to outlining the prayer times. The book has 31 pages. For reviews on the book please click here. Currently, you can purchase the book from Amazon, Waterstones or

Discover the power of Salah by Ariba Farheen

power of salah

This 204 page paperback book develops a really good, thorough understanding of Salah. The book is aimed at children aged 8 to 15. It uses stories, relatable metaphors, illustrations and simple language to get the message across to kids. It encourages reflection and deeper understanding and thinking about Salah, which is always a good thing. 

The book ‘Discover the power of Salah’ also contains references to the Quran and hadith.

For more reviews, please visit Amazon, where you can purchase the book. 

I’m 7, Time for Salah by SH Abdirahman Mohamed

children's salah book

This 40 page book contains all the important information that a child needs to know before embarking on their Salah journey. The contents of the book include: importance of prayer, timings, conditions of prayer, when and how to do wudhu and so much more. Check out reviews from customers and purchase from here.

Teaching Salah- Video clips

Learn to pray with Rami- Youtube 

video about salah

This video clip takes you through the whole of Salah. What I like about this video is that the words in Arabic are displayed clearly on the side. Also, the actions and transitions from one position to another are also shown and the images aren’t static. Additionally, the actions are clear but may need some clarification, depending on school of thought (ie, the hands should be lower for boys and men according to Hanafi Fiqh). Adjustment will be needed when explaining how to pray Salah for girls. 

How to pray 2 Rakah’s for kids

video about salah for kids

This video clip is perfect for children as it also takes you through 2 whole rakahs of salah with pictures for each action. Unlike the previous video however, this one doesn’t show the transitions between each action. It does however, show the translation alongside the Arabic, which is great.

Teaching Salah- games and products

There are a few Salah products and games out there that are worth purchasing when teaching your child or student about Salah. I’ve picked the best ones that I’ve used or ones that have been recommended to me.

Steps to prayer- Learning roots

steps to prayer

This game is a fun and comprehensive way to teach your kids or students about Salah. The game element consists of sequencing the cards in the correct order. The illustrations are beautiful and Insh’Allah will make it easy for visual learners to learn the steps and actions of Salah. Each card also has an explanation on how to perform a particular step. This set also teaches children how to make wudhu, whilst also detailing the prayer times. Each card also shows what needs to be said for each step in both Arabic and English.

For more information and further pictures with more details, please visit Learning Roots here.

My Salah Mat 

my salah mat

My salah mat is a fun, interactive prayer mat which will help your kids or students learn all about the fundamentals of Salah. The 36 active touch keys help assist with wudhu, adhan, dua, salah times and salah positions. This compact mat has lots to offer and has been a hit with so many mums. I haven’t personally tried it out but if you’d like a more indepth review of the Salah mat, please click on any of the following links.

Teaching your child to pray with My Salah Mat- by Muslim Mummy

My Salah Mat: Interactive Kids Prayer Mat for 3-10 years old | Aweea Review

There are lots of websites that offer My Salah mat. Please click on any website below and I’d highly recommend comparing prices before purchasing.



Sairah’s corner

Anafiya gifts

Little Muslim books

Teaching Salah- printable resources

Here at Primary Ilm we have a growing range of Salah printable sheets for your children or students. Some are free and require a free sign up account. Others are part of our premium membership, which has hundreds more worksheets on lots of Islamic concepts. 

salah in arabic
salah positions

Currently our salah section has the Salah transliteration, Salah in Arabic, wudhu poster and positions of Salah. We will continue adding to this in the coming months Insha’Allah.

Which Salah resource do you use? I’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions on any resource you’ve come across or ones that you use yourself 🙂

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4 responses

  1. Assalamualaikum,

    pray you are well! the salah activities resource doesn’t open up, I wanted to ask if there was any help I could get in getting it to work, Jazakumullah

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