islamic wordsearch for children

Islamic wordsearch for kids [Free printables]

We love a good Islamic wordsearch and so we have created lots of free Islamic wordsearches for children. These Islamic wordsearches cover a wide range of topics. Simply click on the pictures to download.

If you would like to download all 28 wordsearches please sign up to Primary Ilm for free by creating an account. Please click here to see the titles of all 28 wordsearches in the free Islamic wordsearch printable booklet. We have hundreds of free Islamic printable resources for kids. We are continually adding more each week and work tirelessly to accommodate any requests that our users have.

Keep up to date on all newly released resources by signing up to our mailing list or follow us on Instagram. Also gain access to our entire library of resources by joining hundreds of members who pay just once a year. By joining, you will help us continue to create quality Islamic printables for parents and teachers worldwide.

To download these Islamic wordsearches as printable PDFs, please sign up. The quality uploaded is a little blurry on this page as they are in JPG format. For clearer quality, sign up and download it from under the RESOURCES > ACTIVITY PAGES.

5 pillars of Islam Wordsearch

islamic wordsearch for kids

This Islamic wordsearch can be given to a child after you teach them about the 5 pillars of Islam. My students absolutely love wordsearches and so I often print out a few once a week.

They love competing in groups of 2 or 3 against each other. It can be a nice way of rounding off an intense reading or learning session. For the ones that might be reluctant or hesitant to do one (especially the younger ones), encourage them with gel pens and colours. If you have a mixed age class, get the older ones to support the little ones in finding the words.

6 beliefs of Imaan Wordsearch

6 beliefs of imaan wordsearch

I love teaching about the 6 beliefs as there is so much to teach and learn. The topics can be as wide and as deep as you want it to be.

I will be uploading a post about resources related to the 6 beliefs sometime this year Insha Allah.

Salah Islamic Wordsearch

salah wordsearch

Have you seen our Salah resources under the THE FIVE PILLARS tab? We have transliteration of Salah for kids. These free transliteration Salah pages can also be used by those new to Islam and those who are unable to read Arabic. We also have salah positions as flashcards. So you can teach your kids or students about salah and then get them to order the cards according to what comes next. You can also download Salah for kids in Arabic.

If you would like to read our post on how to teach kids Salah, click here.

Wudhu Wordsearch

wudhu word search

We have a very popular Wudhu poster which can also be downloaded for free under our FIVE PILLARS tab. Please sign up for free before downloading as you won’t be able to access the resource until you create a free account.

Hajj Wordsearch

hajj wordsearch

We have lots of Hajj resources including a fantastic Ebook for children to learn about Hajj. We also have a bingo hajj printable game which goes down a storm with my students. They insist on playing it at least once a week and they get super excited and motivated when they know we’ll be doing the bingo game at the end of the day.

Ramadan Islamic Wordsearch

ramadan word search

Children will love doing this Ramadan wordsearch. Check out our Ramadan bingo, Ramadan colouring sheets and handwriting packs. Look under 5 pillars for a close look at our Hajj and Ramadan printables.

A list of each Islamic wordsearch in the full PDF download

  • Remembering Allah
  • The Five Pillars
  • 6 Beliefs of Imaan
  • The body parts we wash in wudhu
  • Names of the five prayers
  • Times of the 5 prayers (eg: Zuhr: afternoon)
  • Quran general knowledge
  • Surahs in the Quran
  • Ramadan
  • Laylatul Qadr
  • Prophets in Islam
  • Name of the people in the Prophet’s family
  • Seerah locations (eg: Makkah, Madina, Uhud)
  • The companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  • Names of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  • Food that the Prophet (PBUH) ate
  • Hajj actions and places
  • Words related to Makkah
  • words related to Madina
  • Allah’s names
  • Words related to Jannah
  • Names of Important angels
  • Books revealed to the messengers
  • Months in Islam
  • Eid related words
  • Famous masjids
  • Islamic countries

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9 responses

  1. Assalamualaikum!
    Where can I find the PDF to download these wordsearches?
    Jazakaalah Khair

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