Ikhfa letters
The following 15 letters are the letters of Ikhfa. ت ث ج د ذ ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ف ق ك When these ikhfa letters come after noon saakin or a tanween letter then we ‘hide’ the noon sound and stretch for around 2 seconds (or 1-2 harakahs). If the letter of […]
Tajweed books
Looking for a list of different Tajweed books? Are you learning tajweed as a beginner? Or are you a teacher or parent in need of a Tajweed book to teach children or other adults? If so, you’ve come to the right place. I have been a beginner Tajweed learner and a teacher of small children […]
Tajweed bookmark
Want to know where to download or purchase this bookmark from?
Read on to find out how to use it with your pupils or kids!
How to teach kids Qalqalah
Introducing Qalqalah to kids How do you teach kids Qalqalah? When a child is on Quran, one of the hardest pronunciations is reading the Qalqalah letters in the correct way. At first I just familiarise the children with Qalqalah letters. I refer to them as echo letters when teaching children the saakin page. At this […]