The 4 Books in Islam: A Presentation and Activity Booklet

the 4 holy books activity booklet

Teaching the 4 Holy Books of Islam—Tawrah, Zabur, Injeel, and the Quran—presents a unique opportunity to deepen young learners’ understanding of Islamic faith and history. At Primary Ilm, we’ve developed comprehensive educational tools to help Quran and Islamic studies teachers, as well as Muslim homeschoolers, bring these significant teachings into their classrooms and homes effectively. […]

Angels in Islam: an activity booklet for kids

angels in islam

For Quran and Islamic studies teachers and Muslim homeschoolers, teaching about angels provides a wonderful opportunity to delve into the spiritual realm that is pivotal to Islamic belief. At Primary Ilm, we’re excited to introduce our latest educational resource—an activity booklet dedicated to the topic of Angels in Islam. Understanding Angels in Islam and Their […]

Allah made everything for kids

Allah made everything

Get this ‘Allah made everything’ booklet for kids by signing up for the Primary Ilm membership here. Nurture the love of Allah from a young age by introducing them to Him via different methods. Talk about Him, and how much He loves them. Talk about how Allah can help them when no one else can. […]

Prophets in islam

prophets in islam

How many prophets are there in islam? There are a total of 25 prophets in Islam that are mentioned in the Quran. The first Prophet that Allah chose was also the first man; Adam (as). The last prophet that Allah sent was Prophet Muhmmad (pbuh). According to a few weak hadith, there were thousands of […]

Six pillars of imaan

What are the six pillars of imaan? In Islam, there are six pillars of imaan that Muslims believe in. The term imaan refers to faith. These beliefs are taken from the Quran, specifically the following ayah: “O you who believe! Keep faith in Allah and His Messenger and the Book which He revealed to His […]

Who is Allah for kids

allah for kids

‘Who is Allah?’ a kid asks. How can you begin to answer such a seemingly simple yet complex question? Before we begin, Primary ilm has lots of resources that can help you teach your students or kids about Allah as we aim to make teaching Islam easy, accessible and fun. Explaining the answer to an […]