What’s inside this Dua book for kids?
This dua book for kids contains over 40 duas for everyday activities. The full list of duas are as follows:
- Before starting anything
- When waking up
- Before entering the bathroom
- Before doing wudhu
- After doing wudhu
- When coming out of the bathroom
- Before eating
- When given food or water
- After eating
- When Bismillah is forgotten
- Before drinking milk
- When wearing clothes
- Upon entering the house
- When leaving the house
- Upon entering the Masjid
- When leaving the masjid
- To increase knowledge
- When visiting an ill person
- If it rains
- When boarding a vehicle
- When thanking someone
- Before opening a fast
- After sneezing
- Before reading Quran
- After doing a bad deed
- When meeting someone
- When going upstair or downstairs
- SubhanAllah/Insha’Allah/ Masha’Allah
- When experiencing difficulty
- Before going to sleep
- When getting angry
- For parents
- For confidence and ease
- Asking for guidance
- For this world and the hereafter
- When hearing or seeing a storm
- After having a bad dream
- When feeling sad or worried
Where can I buy this Dua book from?
You can buy this Dua book for kids from this website, click here for the best price. It is also sold on Amazon and Etsy. You can see a video preview of the Dua book on Etsy for a closer look.
The answer booklet can be downloaded for free when you sign up to Primary ilm. Simply visit the RESOURCES section under the menu. It will be under the SURAHS AND DUAS tab.
If you are a member, you can download this for free from the website under the Surahs and Duas tab.
How can I use this book in my class?
You can use this in so many ways! I’ll outline how I use it and then give some ideas on how you can use it with your students or kids.
My kids read their sabaq, then they practise their previous pages. After that, they will go onto memorisation for 5 minutes and then they will listen to each other’s memorisation for another 5 minutes. They will memorise using this dua book and from their own Qurans. Most of them can independently learn the duas and the young ones have the older lot to help them with pronunciation of words. They do all this whilst I am finishing with one or two kids.
For further incentivisation, I will award them with a dojo for learning a dua with its meaning. I only allow them to learn 1 to 2 duas per week as I find they spend time on it and learn it properly. It also gives them time to complete the page. Once they’ve listened to another person they can get on with completing one page for the week. They also have their Islamic Journals to do, which keeps them busy and learning!
Different ways of using the daily dua book
The way mentioned above suits my class and the children. However, you could totally introduce 1 Dua each week (maybe at the start of the week) and just get them to repeat after you whilst they’re sitting in a circle with you. Read the Dua a few times and then have them read it to each other. You can then ask the children to say the Dua when going around the circle. Gently encourage the ones that might seem hesitant at first.
With younger children or classes, I’ll break it up into parts, ensure they are secure in the first part before moving onto the second part and so on.
You can print the sheets (if you’re a Primary ilm member) and hang them in your class by picking the ‘best’ one each time they all complete a certain one. This is a good way to get them to complete it to their best of their ability.
Check out these Dua posters!
Have you downloaded these fantastic Dua and wudhu posters yet? Sign up for free to gain access to these and hundreds of other Islamic worksheets and activities for your kids or students. These posters can be downloaded for free under the SURAHS AND DUAS page (under RESOURCES).
6 responses
Really helpful materials
Alhamdulillah, I’m glad you think so.
Alhamdulillah those things help meout
Alhamdulillah thats great to hear!
Love this book! Used it with my 7-year-old daughter who thoroughly enjoyed working through the book alhumdulillah
That’s great to hear Alhamdulillah!